Our Chimbel Project

Our Chimbel project is located at Indranagar which is around 6kms from the Capital city of Panjim. Despite its closeness to the capital even frequent visitors to Goa would be unaware of the area since its well off the tourist track. One of the most deprived areas of Goa, Indranagar is a huge slum which around 10,000 people call home. Rooms are tightly packed along narrow lanes with open sewers running along the front. No-one knows how many children live in the area. The area is inhabited by families who have migrated to Goa mainly from neighbouring states but some have travelled from much further afield.

Despite the terrible deprivation in the area, there is a great demand for pre-primary schooling to help prepare children to access school. The school room is located within the slum which makes it easy for families to drop and pick up their children and to be confident that their children are safe. The children learn many things. Aside from academic learning e.g the English and Marathi alphabets, counting etc. they learn many skills which will help them to make the transition from slum to school. Simple things such as sitting still, listening to teacher, following instructions, sharing are all important lessons as are finding out more about the world about them and how to play and have fun with friends.

The Chimbel project currently supports around 120 children. Each morning a pre-primary school takes place. After spending three years at pre-primary school, children are ready to join mainstream schools. Once school is over at lunch time children will go home, have a short break and change before heading to the centre for afternoon tuition classes. We have supported the project to various levels since 2012. We are proud to do so and currently fund rent, the costs of afternoon tuition classes, help with other teaching costs and resources, repairs and maintenance and some fun activities too.

After spending three years at pre-primary school children are ready to join mainstream schools. Once school is over at lunch time the children will go home, have a short break and change before heading to the centre for afternoon tuition classes. By providing for after school tuition classes Monday to Saturday each week we support children with their studies which in turn helps them succeed at school. Ultimately, we hope to keep them away from child labour and help give them the opportunity for a better life.

You can see general photos of the Chimbel project opposite together with last year’s end of year photos.

If you would like to make a donation but would particularly like your contribution to help our Chimbel project then please leave a message when you donate and we will ensure we carry out your instruction.
Donate online using the orange link above or click here to see other ways to donate
Chimbel Pre-Primary

The pre-primary school at Chimbel supports around 60 children daily. Take a look what happens here.

Chimbel Afternoon Classes

Around 60 children attend our Chimbel project every afternoon. The afternoon tuition classes help children to succeed at school. See the children at work and play here.