Gifts in Kind - Toys and Games

Toys and Games in good condition are always needed to give out in the slums, for birthdays and for Christmas. In addition items such as tennis balls, footballs, cricket and beach equipment are also used for group activities. Some of the best toys to give are the simplest such as spinning tops, balls, skipping ropes, footballs, Frisbees, balloons, soft toys etc.


Small toys that can be used as either presents for birthdays, Christmas or other celebrations are preferred. These are much easier to even out so that each child gets a similar sized gift.

Batteries Not Included

Toys that require batteries are unsuitable since families could not afford to replace them.

Strong Toys

Toys which have small items in them which can break are best avoided – we’d hate to give a child something that didn’t last 5 minutes.

Board Games

Board Games especially with small pieces aren’t so good as most of the children can’t read English and find instructions difficult to follow.

Outdoor Games

Outdoor games for the Mango House children are really useful.

Toys For Christmas Presents and Celebrations

Good things to bring for presents are small toy cars, dolls, soft toys, balls (Football, Tennis Balls etc), skipping ropes, balloons (best ones are punch balloons that you bounce against your hand), bubbles, bangles, hair bobbles/clips for the girls and 'make yourself' aeroplanes.